I guess you were expecting Benson on the blog today. Ow! Lily just punched me in the shoulder and said, “Bennett!” She knows I know his last name is really Bennett, but it annoys her when I get it wrong, so I keep doing it. Ouch! Now she wants me to delete the part about her punching me. I said no. Ha ha, ducked that one. Ow!
Anyway, Benson doesn’t know which end is up, so I snatched the Tuesday spot before he knew what was what. Besides, he doesn’t deserve to be front and center on Forgive My Fins release day. That day should belong to Lily and, well, if not Lily then at least not him.
So, introductions, huh? I’m Quince Fletcher and I live next door to Lily with my mom. I ride a motorcycle and work part-time at a lumberyard. It’s hard work, but it helps pay the bills. And my mom definitely needs help paying the bills. She doesn’t have anyone but me.
Um, what else? As you might have guessed from this blog and if you read the first sixty pages of Forgive My Fins already (which you can do for free at the HarperCollins site) I have a lot of fun pushing Lily’s buttons. Don’t think I’m doing it just to be mean. I have my reasons. They’re just not reasons I want to share with the whole world right now, okay? To find out, you’ll have to read Forgive My Fins.
Oh, yeah. Don’t forget you can ask me questions that I’ll answer on Saturday and that TLC is donating a quarter for every comment this week to Oceana.
Oh, dear, Quince you just made me swoon!
In all honesty, I'd love to meet someone like you :))
And I hope you'd gimme a ride someday ๐
Haha, I'm loving Quince already! I can tell that he's going to be my favorite character ๐
So Quince, what kind of bike do you drive? And do you suspect anything unusual about Lily?
Haha you remind me of my BF with always pushing buttons
hey quince (btw, i think if your nicer to lily you won't get punched so much :P)
anyway do you know lily's secret????
Quince sounds fun!
Great post ideas. What kind of bike do you have?
um no question, just one comment..you are hot! LOL
you know you like it when Lily punches you!
I know it has been asked but I really just want to know what kind of bike you have.
Ohhh, Motor Cycle you say?
Hi, my name is Leilani. Its nice to meet you.
I do believe my question was asked but any ways, What kind of bike to you ride?
Thanks sexy!
I love Quince!
I'm afraid I can't ask any questions without spoiling the book ๐
You remind me of my younger brother. He liked to push my buttons, too. Still does, sometimes. I am wondering what your reasons are. Are you sure you just don't enjoy it?
Quice, it sounds like, with how often you push her buttons, you're going to have to get used to ducking Lily's punches. Lol XD
Quince sounds like an interesting guy.
But I have an ulterior motive for stopping buy…had to get my comment for a quarter in Oceana. ๐
Quince sounds like such a cool character!
So since you live next door, do you have any embarrassing stories about Lily? ๐
Hope to learn more about you Quince! ๐ What else do you like to do for fun, beside pushing Lily's button :D.
This book sound great! (dying to read it)!
What a nice boy to help out his mother like that….
Ha, awesome post, Quince! ๐
i think you have a teeny bit of a crush on Lilly…
Oh, Quince. I do love you so. ๐
Hi Quince! ๐ Do you have a girlfriend? I love bikes! ๐
Quince, are you really a merman? 'Cause I think you and Lily are destined to be together!
Quince–just finished the book last night!–Amazing!!!!!!
What's the thing that most surprises you about Lily?
Go Oceana!
Nice to meet you, Quince! I hope you and Lily become good friends!
Nice to meet you, Quince! I hope you and Lily become good friends!
OMG Quince! I hope all guys were like you! Is it bad that I am already falling for you?
Quince sounds amazing. My kind of guy.
Lol, Quince, did you know pushing someone's buttons is often a sign of affection…? ;D
And what's your opinion of reading? ๐
Aww Quince you're adorable!
Hmm what can I ask… Gosh I've already read the book so I know a lot that I don't want to spoil by asking a question. :/ How about, why do you call Lily Princess all the time?
The book sounds great. You must have quite an imagination to come up with this storyline. Where did you get your idea?
I <3 YOU QUINCE!!! Don't be so mean to Lily you may get splashed(lol, ignore my bad humor)! I <3 motorcycles and wood, btw! I <3 Quince!!! (((H)))xoxox
PS-CALL ME!!! xoxo d-_-b xoxo
Hahaha, Quince! Lily's the quiet the violent one, isn't she? So who looks more suave on a motorcycle, you or Sirius Black? ๐
I haven't read the book yet but I have a feeling you're hot. (I'm single!!)
So, Quince….Are you and Lily planning on hooking up? Cuz if not…call me ๐
how come ppl dont make the ocean a btter place?
I love Quince! He is my favorite so far ๐
Oh I didn't know we could read the first 60 pages! I will do that asap. Thanks for the heads up, Quince.
Um, yeah, no questions yet. o.O
How have you been so patient with Lily?
Hi Quince, what do you personally think about Lily?
Quince, you seem kind of like a loner–who did you bug before Lily came along?
do you need a special driver's license to ride a motorcycle?
what made you get into motorcycles?
do you ever see your dad?
how long has it just been you and your mom?
Lily sounds like she has a hard time with her classes–how about you?
do you like school?
what is your favorite subject?
what do you do in a lumber yard?
where do you like to ride on your bike?
what kind of mileage to you get with a motorcycle?
has your family always lived in Seaview—I don't know how long your mom has lived there, would she have known Lily's mother?
I'm guessing you're really busy, since you have to work after school; if you had time, what extra curricular activities would you do?
what are your plans after high school?
will you be able to go to college? would you want to if you could? where would you go?
if you could do anything, what kind of career would you like to have?
do you want to stay in seaview? would you ever want to move?
do you own your dream bike/what would your dream bike be?
do you think Lily should get her own bike?–or do you like her riding yours?
Have you and Brody ever been friends, or always enemies?
Was there anything in particular that made you dislike Brody, did something happen, or is it just him in general?…or the fact that Lily likes him???
Do you have a crush on anybody?
Lily mentioned that you guys were starting to be friends when she first moved to town; what happened?
do you watch sports?
have you ever done any sports?
have you dated anyone at Seaview?
do you like to read?
is there anything in the book that you didn't like?
is there anything not in the book that you wish you could tell us?
how would the book change if it were your story?
how did you get your job at the lumber yard?
when did you start working at the lumber yard?
are you good at building things, or do you mainly just stock things at the lumber yard?
do you have any pets?
have you ever had pets?
what kind of pet would you like to have?
does anyone else from school work with you at the lumber yard?
have you ever had an accident riding your bike?
Lily's a big fan of the water–how about you?
you guys live near the ocean–will you see any effects from the oil spill?
what do you do on your summer vacations?
do you miss your dad?
what would you ask your dad if you had the chance?
if you and Lily went on a date, where would you take her?
how come you never asked Lily out?–I bet you could have made her forget about Brody a long time ago
What would your ideal date be?
how big a town is Seaview?
Who was your first kiss?
When is the first time you met Lily?
What did you think about Lily when you first met her?
Has your opinion of Lily changed since you first met her?
When is your birthday?
Lily seems really self-conscious about her hair–what do you think of it?
Do you believe in magical/mystical creatures?
What would you think if someone told you they were a magical/mystical creature?
Have you had your tonsils out?
What would you do if Lily told you she was going to go back and live with her dad?
Does your mom date?
Do you want your mom to date again?
have you ever played an instrument?
have you gotten a chance to read the book yet?
have you ever skipped school?
is there anything you would skip school for?
if you could have your own blog what would be your topic?
did you enjoy doing the blog this week?
if you could meet a character from one of TLC's other books, who would pick?
who's your favorite TLC character?
if you could meet a character from another book or from a movie, who would you pick?
who would you pick to play you if they made a movie of Forgive My Fins?
what is the biggest secret you ever kept from anyone?
are you a good secret keeper?
is it harder for you to keep your own secret, or someone else's?
If you could have three wishes, what would they be?
is there anything important that you want to tell people, but no one has asked?
If you could ask TLC anything, what would you ask?
what's something you would want people to know about Lily?
what's something you would want people to know about Brody?
what's something you would want people to know about Shannen?
what do you think is your best feature?