Brainstorming is my favorite part of the writing process, and creating character collages is one my favorite ways to brainstorm! Here I’m sharing the Oh. My. Gods. character collages I created before I even wrote a word of the story.
Click on an image for a larger version. Or download the PDF file.
The Collages
I use character collages as a way to get a better visual picture of my characters. It’s not just about what they look like, but also about what kinds of things they might, places they might hang out, and other things that evoke their personality. If you want me to create a tutorial about how I create my character collages (including the fun new totally digital way) let me know!
Creating character collages is just one part of my brainstorming process. Check out my video on How I Develop an Idea to find out more about how I grow an idea into something I’m ready to write about.
Want to compare these Oh. My. Gods. character collages to the written characters? Read up on them in the Oh. My. Gods. series.
Can you please show us how to make your charachter collages. Also what is Thane’s and Nick’s hair color.