First, just let me say that, if there is was going to be a book about a Thalassinian royal mergirl, it should have been about me. My life is so much more interesting than my cousin, Lily’s. And I am so much more fabulous!
But she’s the princess (gag) and she’s the one willing to live on land (double gag), so if those are the requirements then I’m glad to pass on that role.
Whatever, I’m over it. I have better things to do. Like introduce myself to you. My name is Dosinia Sanderson–everyone calls me Doe–and I’m Lily’s cousin. My mom was her dad’s little sister. (I say was because my parents died in a fishing boat accident when I was young. I’m over that, too.) I live with my aunt and uncle, but I spent a lot of time in the palace growing up. Listening to Lily this and Lily that got real old real fast. I used to be jealous, when I was a little guppy, but now I’m glad. I wouldn’t want the kind of responsibilities she has.
Instead, I can spend my days shopping, doing lessons with the royal tutors, and mastering makeup techniques that Lily could never hope to possess. Merboys fall at my fins and I’ve had more bond proposals than I can count, even though I’m not allowed to officially date or anything until I turn sixteen in, like, days. For right now, I’m just enjoying being young, royal, and beautiful. But who knows what the future will bring. I only know two things for certain: it won’t be on land, and it won’t be with humans.
That’s all you need to know for now, I suppose. You can ask me questions and, if I deem them worthy of my time, I’ll answer them tomorrow.
Kisses and fishes,
Hey Doe,
Any tips on how to make Merboys fall at my feet (since I don't possess fins)?
Are you sure you aren't jealous? Have you caught a glimpse of Brody yet?
Doe, You must have giant closets! Are they color coordinated?
Hey Doe
what color of eye shadow so you suggest for green eyes?
Do you approve of Lily's blue lipstick?
Hey Doe,
Since you can't date anyone until you're 16, do you think you could send some of those merboys my way? I'm 18, so preferably someone my age would be nice.
Hey Doe Sorry about your parents though I'm sure you hear that a lot What's it like living in a palace and not having any to worry about things
Denise Madness
Hi Doe!
Why don't you want to live on land? I sure that you can get even more boys to fall at your feet, and there's probably a much greater variety up here.
Doe, What's your favorite thing to do at the Palace?
Hey Doe,
Are there merboys pop group? And if there are who are your favorite? Its just a random question. I figured you would be the right one to ask.
How do you put on makeup undr water?
Dosinia! What a joy! ๐ Anywho, what is your best waterproof makeup trick/tip?
Hi Doe,
Know of any merboy who might be interested in a human girl? ๐
I am love love LOVING these collages, T! Super fun interview series with a great visual to boot. You are way talented, baby. ๐
Happy to meet you Doe. Lily is lucky to have you. Maybe you could recommend another color lipstick for her. (wait, are you the one who set her up with that blue in the first place? Naughty move girlfriend!)
Hi Doe,
When you do get to date, where does a couple from your kingdom go on a date?
You have a really pretty name!
Hi Doe!
I'm curious…do you have a special guy you like? Or more than one? ๐
Giada M.
fabgiada @
Hi Doe!
You may get your wish!–I finished Forgive My Fins (FINtastic!), and it sounds like you're going to be pretty busy in the next book!!!!
It's sad whenever anyone looses anyone, let alone a parent—I bet Lily could really relate to you.
But you don't seem to let yourself be a victim to anything. I think you're very strong.
You sounded so sure about your future not being on land or involving humans–Is there anything that would make you change your mind?
Hey Dosinia! Its nice to meet you! So there's this guy in my grade who we all *think* has had a crush on me for the last two years. He acts all weird around me so do you have any tips about how toโฆ go about this? I'd be really greatful! Thanks! You rock! ~H
Hey Doe,
Why don't you want to be on land or around humans?
Hi Dosinia!
do you have a special way of swimming to make the merboys fall at your fins?
what is there to do besides shopping under the sea? are there famous Mer-singers and Mer-actors?
What's your favorite store?
Nice to meet you Doe!
So, you're interested in make-up? Do you use water-proof since your underwater? And how do your "house" look like? Are everything floating or how does it work?? I'm curious..
Doe, what is your favorite thing about Lily?
omg Doe is the cutest name ever.
aw Doe is the cutest name.
Hi Doe, are merboys as handsome as human boys?
Hey Doe!
I Like To Listen To CDs Of The Ocean..
I Know A CD Can't Compare, But
What's Your Favorite Sound Under The Sea??
I can so identify with you D! I can spend my days shopping too! Any pointers on how to get the best deals?
You're jealous (admit it)…
Since you say that you're so much more fabulous than Lily, what would you change about her?
Have you and Lily ever gotten along?
What would you want readers to know if there was a book about you?
Do you have a royal mer-title? duchess?
I'm so sorry about your parents–how old were you when you lost them?
It must have been very hard to lose both your parents; what do you do/what have you done to cope?
It must have been very hard to lose both your parents; what do you do/what have you done to cope?
what are your best memories of your parents?
did your parents leave you anything–do you have anything special of theirs that you've kept?
What is something about you that you think would make your parents the proudest?
Is there anything that humans could do to stop more accidents like what happened to your parents?
Before your parents' accident, did you ever have dreams about what land was like?
How big is the royal mer family?–do you and Lily have other cousins, aunts and uncles?
Is there anything you like about Lily?
Who is your best mer-friend?
Do you live in a mer-palace?
what kind of school lessons do you study?
do mer-studies have classes on humans?
if you had the choice, would you rather that humans knew about mer-people and there wasn't such secrecy? do you think if humans knew, your parents' accident could have been avoided?
Lily has a hard time with classes–at least her human ones–are you a good student?
do you like any of your studies?
what are your favorite studies?
what are your least favorite subjects?
you said that Lily has a lot of royal responsibilities, as part of the royal family, do you have any?
If you could change anything in the mer-kingdom, what would it be?
in the human world, after high school, we usually get jobs or go to college; does it work the same way in the mer-world?
would you go away to college if you could?
after your done with your studies, will you have any royal duties, or will you get a job?
what kind of underwater job would choose if you could?
are there any land jobs that would interest you?
I think Lily is kind of scared of you–does it make you feel any better when you're mean to her?
who would win in a race–you or Lily?
what do you miss most about your parents?
is there anything you would ask your parents if you could see them again?
humans have cemeteries where we can visit the loved ones we've lost; do you have some place you can visit and remember your parents?
have you ever visited any other mer-kingdoms?
are mer-kingdoms very different from each other? are there different mer-languages?
can all mer-people understand humans?
can you communicate with fish and sea mammals?
do you have any pets?
what kind of pet would you most like to have?
what would surprise humans the most about mer-people?
what would surprise humans the most about the mer-world?
what would surprise us the most about you?
if you could tell your parents anything, what would you say?
if you could tell humans anything, what would you say?
if you could say anything to Lily, what would you say?
it seems like you may have gotten the chance to meet a human, has that changed your perception at all?
since meeting a human, is there anything that surprised you?
how did you find out that Lily was half-human?
did finding out Lily was half-human change your feelings about her?
Has it been hard knowing that Lily is half-human, and knowing that humans are responsible for your parents' death?
has it changed the way you feel about your uncle, the king, to know that he was in love with a human?
what do you think about mer-people who fall in love with humans and bring them back to the sea?
I don't know how everything works, but if humans can become mer-people when they fall in love with each other, do you consider those humans like mer-people? or will they always be human to you?
can you tell the difference between *real* mer-people, and humans who have fallen in love and transformed?
do you have different seasons underwater, like there are on land?
when you were a guppy, what did you want to be when you grew up?
have you ever come close to falling in love?
what do you look for in a mer-boy?
what is your ideal date?
what is your favorite date that you've been on?
do mer-people have any ways to protect themselves from human pollution?
do mer-people have pollution?
do mer-people have books and music like humans do?
do you have any special talents?
if Lily left the sea to become human, who would rule the kingdom after your uncle?
have you ever thought about what you'd do if you were a princess, like Lily?
have you ever played an instrument?
are there other mythical/magical creatures besides mer-people, that humans don't know about?
do you have forms of communication underwater, like humans have–like telephones, cell phones, or internet?
do you use clocks underwater, or is it pretty casual?
have you ever been to fresh water?
do you have anything like tv or movies underwater?
do you use money when you shop/go to restaurants undersea?
have you gotten a chance to read the book yet?
have you ever skipped school?
is there anything you would skip school for?
if you could have your own blog what would be your topic?
did you enjoy doing the blog this week?
if you could meet a character from one of TLC's other books, who would pick?
who's your favorite TLC character?
if you could meet a character from another book or from a movie, who would you pick?
who would you pick to play you if they made a movie of Forgive My Fins?
what is the biggest secret you ever kept from anyone?
are you a good secret keeper?
is it harder for you to keep your own secret, or someone else's?
If you could have three wishes, what would they be?
what's your least favorite human food?
what's your least favorite seafood?
is there anything important that you want to tell people, but no one has asked?
If you could ask TLC anything, what would you ask?
where does your name come from?
have you ever gone on land before?
are there any mer-holidays?
what's your favorite holiday?
are there any inaccurate mermaid beliefs that you want to clear up?
do you sneeze underwater?
do you eat your food raw under water?
is there a special way to prepare food underwater?
living underwater, do you need to shower/wash your hair/brush your teeth?
what's something you would want people to know about Lily?
what's something you would want people to know about Thalissina?
if you could give Lily a makeover, what would you do?